Contributing to Sentry

Upstreaming a code contribution should be done by forking this repository, creating a feature branch and opening a pull request.

When adding a new query or changing an existing one, the documentation needs to be re-generated.

Make sure to check for an overview of the architectural decisions of the project.

Setting up development environment


poetry is used to manage the Python environment. Most IDEs can create a virtual environment from the pyproject.toml. Alternatively, use poetry install --with=dev in the project root to create it.


The project uses pre-commit configuration embedded into flake.nix as a separate file linters.nix.

To install it using nix:

nix develop .#pre-commit --command bash -c "exit"

Alternatively, have the pre-commit run ruff and isort. For more up to date list of checkers, see the linters.nix file. Since the pre-commit is only a part of the centrally-managed CI, pre-commit-config.yml is ignored by git.

All checks

The main entry point to all linters is nix flake check. The repository's CI is configured to run it on commits to the branch

Deploying into a controlled Snowflake account

Repository comes with GitHub actions that manage the deployment. Under the hood the actions are implemented by nix applications, so can be triggered locally to the same effect.

Generating documentation

Project uses a combination of mdbook, mdsh and python scripts to generate and publish the documentation.

Building is wrapped in a Nix application "mkMdBook" and deployment to GitHub pages is done by an action.

To preview the documentation locally:

  1. cd docs/
  2. mdbook serve

All needed utilities are a part of the development shell.