
This file contains information on the project's architecture decisions and components.

Programming language

Main language is python, intended to be as compatible as possible with Snowpark python conda channel.

The python code is managed through poetry. Poetry was chosen for its support of lock files which provides some reproducibility guarantees in the python ecosystem.


The project dependencies are defined in pyproject.toml and locked in poetry.lock. The application needs to run in all of the supported environments:

  • Native application (follows conda channel, but has additional considerations compared to SiS, e.g. py38 only is supported)
  • Streamlit in Snowflake (follows conda channel)
  • Local streamlit (least restrictive)
  • Docker container (least restrictive)

The pinned versions are an approximation of the strictest environment (Native apps).


CI/CD is implemented using nix flake. This allows for the GitHub actions to execute the exact same code as a developer would execute on their machine providing strong repeatability and consistency guarantees.


Main CI entry point is nix flake check. It will perform all syntax checks and code lints. A GitHub action calls nix flake check on commits into the main branch.


Deployment can be triggered by manually calling corresponding GitHub action and depend on GitHub secrets or secrets passed through environment variables.

The deployment uses snowcli for pushing objects into Snowflake, relying on it for authentication and logic.

GitHub actions are provided in the .github directory.

Project organization

Main source code resides in ./src directory following the src layout convention.

Query files organization

The query files are located in ./src/queries in individual directories. This approach allows the SQL to be both imported into Python and be executed in Snowpark session and the SQL can be run through EXECUTE IMMEDIATE FROM

Every query directory must have:

  • the SQL code in a .sql file. The file contents must be executable in a stored procedure, a worksheet or a stored procedure1
  • query metadata in a file

Streamlit code

Main Streamlit entry point is The individual pages are located in pages/ subdirectory as required by Streamlit multipage-apps.

The pages structure was chosen to match the original source of the application.


some queries, namely ones calling SHOW GRANTS require running the stored procedure with CALLER rights (doc). Streamlit in Snowflake runs with owner's rights, thus such queries cannot currently be a part of this deployment model.