Local Streamlit application

These instructions will set up a python environment to run Sentry in.

  1. (if poetry is not installed) Install poetry using steps from official documentation.

  2. Clone the source code and change current directory to its root

  3. Run poetry install to install all dependencies

  4. Set up Streamlit secrets.

    If using project-specific secrets, .streamlit directory needs to be created in the root of the application.

    Ensure that connections.default is specified in the secrets file, for example:

    account = "<accountName>"
    user = "<userName>"
    warehouse = "<whName>"
    role = "<role>" # Any role with access to ACCOUNT_USAGE
    private_key_file = "<pathToPrivateKeyFile>"
  5. Run poetry shell to activate the virtual environment

  6. Run streamlit run src/Authentication.py

  7. Open the URL provided by Streamlit in the terminal (typically http://localhost:8501)