Docker container

These instructions will set up a Docker container with the application.

  1. Clone the source code and change current directory to its root

  2. Create a directory .streamlit in the root of the cloned repository

  3. Create a file secrets.toml inside .streamlit directory with contents like:

    account = "<accountName>"
    user = "<userName>"
    password = "<superSecretPassword>"
    warehouse = "<whName>"
    role = "<role>" # Any role with access to ACCOUNT_USAGE

    See more information on the Streamlit secrets here.

  4. Build and run the docker image:

    $ docker build . -t sentry:latest -f deployment_models/local-docker/Dockerfile
    naming to
    $ docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/.streamlit,target=/app/.streamlit,readonly --publish-all sentry:latest
      You can now view your Streamlit app in your browser.

    Replace $(pwd)/.streamlit with a path to the directory containing Streamlit secrets toml file if using a different secrets location.

    --publish-all will assign a random port to the container; you can use docker ps to determine which port is forwarded to 8501 inside the container.

  5. (if needed) find out the port that Docker assigned to the container using docker ps:

    $ docker ps --format "{{.Image}}\t{{.Ports}}"
  6. Open http://localhost:55000 in your browser